Jul 4, 2018 | IDeACOM Insights Newsletters
If you have a landline or a cell phone, you have most likely experienced an increase in the number of local phone calls you’re receiving, but when you answer the phone, it’s an automated telemarketing campaign or an obvious, or not so obvious, scam call. You are not...
Jun 12, 2018 | IDeACOM Insights Newsletters
Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) has recently become a hot topic in the IT world. SD-WAN offers numerous benefits for organizations of all sizes but is especially helpful to businesses with multiple branch locations. Many companies are virtualizing their...
May 4, 2018 | IDeACOM Insights Newsletters
Regardless of your type of business, your ability to communicate with employees, customers, clients, vendors and others is critical to your success. This makes choosing the right voice and data vendor one of your most important business decisions. There are countless...
Apr 25, 2018 | IDeACOM Insights Newsletters
“Ransomware” is the term used when hackers make the data on your network inaccessible to you until you pay a large ransom. The tools used for ransomware are no different than those used for traditional hacking but, instead of stealing data, criminals want...
Mar 8, 2018 | IDeACOM Insights Newsletters
As the features and conveniences of mobile phones have grown, so have the risks of using them. The more you and your employees use your mobile phones to check email, make purchases, access bank accounts, download music, etc., the more tempting your phone becomes to...
Feb 6, 2018 | IDeACOM Insights Newsletters
Now that voice and data services can be hosted on the Internet, it seems logical that any telecom service available via the Internet should be fine to handle voice communications for your business. Many of these online providers appear to be low cost, with systems...
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